Tour in Indonesia, the island of kakaban - travel

 Including the islands of kakaban Island tourist favorite located at the Derawan Islands. The island is very unique and exotic. The following photographs taken from the air. An island is often in the form of landmass. But not with the islands of Sangalaki. Land just like the walls of a giant barrier lake in its Center. It is the ancient lake formed from geological processes millions of years ago.

On the islands of Sangalaki never miss a moment of the most beautiful in the sea because there a lot of beautiful fish. Fish swim with manta rays or Stingray. These fish can be close once with divers without being distracted. If you are lucky, you will meet with a giant manta ray as long as six feet.

Sangalaki island is indeed special attractions for divers. No fewer than nine point dive (diving point). Eight of them on the outer side of the island facing the sea and one on the side of the island of the Lake. On the outer side of the island that his condition is more akin to an immersion in the sea and may be blue sharks will come your way. Looking at the Lake, you can find the jellyfish (jelly fish) without the sting of a jellyfish is different from most. So you don't have to worry about shock jellyfish.

Nine dive spots on Sangalaki Island is the North Face, The Draft, Divers Delight, Rainbow Run, The Plateau, The Wall, the Cabbage Patch, Barracuda Point, and Jelly Fish lake.

Sangalaki island is a marine environment eksepfora. This island appears as the Holocene era, around 19000 BC has been trapping 5 square kilometres of sea water. Sea water is trapped in a 50 meters the Ridge, turn the area footprint such as land-sea-Lake. Other places like this is just a more dominant States of Micronesia Islands like the desert.

Several species of strange and unique worth observed in the depths of the Lake. Travel for thousands of years, making adaptation into an ecosystem that is unique to a brackish water environment. The Lake is filled with at least 4 types of stingless jelly fish is one of the best types of Cassiopea (Cassiopea Xamachana).

About three species of green algae Halimeda Sangalaki Island lakes cover the root and mangroves coexist with tunicates, sponges, worm tubes, bihalves, crustaceans, anemones, sea cucumbers, sea snakes and at least five species of Gobies. Many of the unidentified species are also in abundance. A researcher Dr. Thomas Tomascik from Canada call Sangalaki as a marine paradise.

Sangalaki island still holds a mystery how plants and animals that Lake was able to survive in isolated systems to present soufflé pull geologic and marine scientists. Thousands of jellyfish, Barracuda, tuna and sharks found blue Barracuda Point, Sangalaki Island.
If you visit the islands of sangalaki, you definitely don't want to go home and live there because of its natural beauty.